Thursday, October 19, 2006

Back from a break

After a few days of spinning our wheels in Santa Fe, we traveled to Laguna Mar Chiquita to meet Julian and Leandro and get their site up and running with supplies and drop-nets. Peter trained them up on drop-net procedure and knot tying and I went over sampling protocols. Unfortunately we did not catch anything while we were there but Julian emailed to say they had captured a few birds after we left. The site is huge and water levels have dropped substantially since Julian’s last visit. As with any site, a period of adjustment is needed before things really run smoothly.

Maria Elena met us in Santa Fe on Sunday and we loaded up her truck (they rivaled us in field gear/equipment) and headed to Estancia San Joaquin. We toured the estancia which consists of both rice agriculture and cattle pasture. It is still early for the rice to be flooded so there are few birds actually using the rice fields. However to grazed cattle pastures were loaded with T. subruficollis (Buff-breasted Sandpiper) and P. dominica (America-Golden Plovers)!!! What more can I ask for...

…to catch them!!!

Two days of drop nets and a night of night-lighting and nothing to show. I have an amazing team of people here (a group organized by Maria Elena) and I am disappointed that we have not been successful. We are determined to capture los chorlos (shorebirds) and tonight will go out again. Conditions are more favorable with a front moving through which will hopefully will keep the birds hunkered down. Last night was calm and beautiful but didn’t do much to disguise the crunch of our boots in the dry grass. I must have attempted thirty birds coming close on a few but not having a chance on most.

Life is good in Argentina. What a great country with wonderful people. The café con leche is amazing as is the dulce de leche and quince. There is a small hostel, Hostel Parana, nestled in Parana, Entre Rios along the Parana River which provided us lodging for a few nights and is really a gem. Copito, the dog afforded us much enjoyment as well.

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